
A Decision is on order

We don’t want you or any person to attend our church without knowing that God loves you and wants to have an eternal relationship with you.  We also want you to know that you can have a loving, forgiving relationship with God regardless of your past mistakes.
Romans 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved from your mistakes.
What must you do to have God’s salvation?  Just believe in Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your heart.  Say a prayer, ask him to come into your heart and to forgive every sin and mistake you have ever done and you will be saved.  Romans 10:13 says everyone who calls on him will be saved … no matter what we have done in the past!
Once you make that decision you will want to tell our Pastor so that he can pray for you and encourage you.  You will also want to be baptized as commanded in scripture.
We would like to invite you to join the Kaufman County Cowboy Church by one of the three ways:



If you are a new believer in Christ, you can join K3c by being baptized for your faith in Christ as your Savior. The scripture asks that new followers of Christ be baptized into his church as a testimony of his giving them a new start in life.


If you are interested in joining this church, you can do so by asking us to transfer your present church membership to our church. Any person who has been baptized according to scripture may join our church.

Statement of faith:

If you have been a member of another church and have been baptized according to scripture, but you can’t remember the name of the church, then you can join our church based on your personal statement of faith.
Please provide the following information for us:
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